
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Walks

Happy February! So you've seen my posts documenting the snowstorms, the first big blizzard and the second. But here we are on snowstorm # too many I've lost count, and I can't shake my love for it. We're bursting at the seams with snowbanks and slush, fostering valid complaints and legitimate hazards, so sympathy I have plenty of. But sometimes I feel like the last Bostonian / New Englander not cursing the weekly impending storm? My lifestyle is conducive to snow, so I'm always going to be slightly biased. I am thankful that don't have to drive in it and I don't have to shovel it. I simply get to relish its beauty.

Rose Kennedy Greenway, Sunrise
The Financial District looks over untouched snow in the RKG North End park.
Battery Wharf
Boston Harbor
Embracing what the universe has in store for us can be a beautiful thing.

I've always loved the snow. Even as a kid when I had the biggest driveway on the street to shovel.
I will say, I am sad about my favorite tree. See us below in happier times.
Salumeria Italiana, Richmond Street
Burroughs WharfPanera - Atlantic Ave & Broad Street. Current reading material
This weekend lent warm temps reaching 37 degrees with sunshine. Once I got tired of walking around I curled up with a latte, an espresso shot, and a good book.


  1. Loving your positivity. I'm not a huge snow lover, but I also can't complain too much. I don't have a car or driveway to shovel out. But so many people I know do, so I do feel badly for them. Also, can we title this post, Daisy in the Snow? :)

  2. I'm glad that I have blogs like yours to help get me out of my snow-hating slump. Granted, I have a dog to walk, a car to shovel and a condo to dig out - so I'm spending a lot of not fun time in the elements... but you're right that we should relish in its beauty more!(PS - Loved reading The Help!!)

  3. @Elizabeth- hahaha yes we sure can. that cracks me up.
    @Emily - such a good book right?! I'm about half way through.

  4. You know, I think more people could use some of your positive attitude. This is why I always say that you're the nice one ;-)

  5. I love that you are loving the snow (and Im not the only one out there who does!)!! Your photos are perfect images of what is beautiful about it!

  6. I would enjoy the snow if I lived in the city and didn't have to drive anywhere. Down here it's just slushy, gross and terrible to drive in.
    That book is great!

  7. Pretty photos! I read The Help too and liked it a lot! Your giant latte looks perfect right now.

  8. I love the photos- your camera is so GOOD!! Boston looks a lot different today : )

  9. The untouched snow I love. It's the dirty drive over, downtrodden snow I have no room in my heart for. I'm glad someone around here is enjoying all of it though!

  10. Ooooh - I just finished that book, very good.

    Your positive attitude is infectious! Though I do miss walking around the city in snowstorms!! I used to love walking around newbury street because it was never very crowded during tourists, just us locals :)

  11. pass the mug of joe, perfect size for me! Love your first picture, very pretty. You seem to embrace things, that is a great thing.

  12. I love your positive attitude! I'm right there with ya--I love winter weather. It is soooo beautiful!

  13. If I didn't have to spend so much time looking for parking I might not hate it so much right now :)

  14. I can't lie: just looking at it makes me cringe. I'm such a wussy. You have the best attitude. I'd be under the blankets bawling...with a LOT of chocolates. AHAHAHA!!

  15. cute pics- allllmost makes the snow look pretty lol. Enough already though! isn't the help amazing?

  16. beautiful photo journal of all the snow and that is the perfect way to spend any cold day all cuddled up with a warm bev and good book :)

  17. you are so good about documenting the snow! I love the shot of you on the bench. Very fashion blog.

    sorry about your tree :(

  18. Good for you for embracing the snow! Too many people are complaining about it, but sometimes you just have to step back and enjoy what nature gives us sometimes. Love the post and the pics! :)

  19. Oh, I'm so jealous of all these snow posts with snow photos and snow everywhere. :( I wish we got snow! Stupid Australia!!!
    I'm glad you're loving the snow, so many people are complaining (maybe it gets old (and cold) after a while... but for me it's just so awesome and I love it)... it's nice to see someone enjoying it! :D

  20. I'll give you that it looks beautiful...and I'd even not mind it so much if I didn't have to take days off from work (and make up those days later) because the drive is too hazardous. I guess that's my biggest complaint. If snow only fell on the grass (and not on my roof, thus causing ice dams and wet spots in my ceiling, or the roads) I would love it, too.

  21. Love, love, LOVE all these pictures! Great post.
